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Welcome to the SHEilds South Africa NEBOSH qualification page, for a full list of NEBOSH health & safety courses we can provide
NEBOSH Training in South Africa is serviced from our local Roodepoort offices near Johannesburg. SHEilds provide elearning access, allowing students to study from anywhere, anytime.
NEBOSH International Diploma
Based on “International codes of best practice” this degree level qualification is recognised globally as the best health and safety qualification available and meets the membership requirements of IOSH for Graduate and Chartered membership.
NEBOSH International Environmental Diploma
A top-level qualification suitable for those based in any environment based job sector or industry, for the International market.
NEBOSH Environmental Certificate
This certificate level qualification imparts holders with the core skills to handle and effectively manage environmental issues. The next level-up is the Environmental Diploma and both NEBOSH qualifications are accepted Internationally as the standard in the field.
NEBOSH International General Certificate
Recommended for general managers in any industry around the world, this course is one of the first steps in starting a professional career in Occupational Health and safety and it support International standards making it a true bench mark in the industry.
NEBOSH International Oil & Gas Certificate
For people working or wanting to work in the oil and gas industry globally, this qualification provides a great introduction to health and safety within the industry and is recognised as such by almost all major companies in this sector.
NEBOSH Fire Safety Certificate
New for 2021! This qualification is now accepted for both the International market-place AND the UK. A valuable qualification to health and safety professionals who have responsibility for fire risk management or who wish to expand their technical knowledge in this specialist area. It will also be a career enhancing qualification for other professionals such as Facilities or Maintenance Managers who also often have fire safety responsibilities. The qualification is widely recognised by the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers.
This course is designed for people who have fire safety responsibilities within the workplace, especially those with responsibility for carrying out fire risk assessments and managing fire risks to people and property. It will give you specialist fire safety knowledge which is applicable both to low-risk and high-risk workplaces.
NEBOSH International Construction Certificate
This course is designed for supervisors and managers in the construction industries, including civil engineering, utilities and more. It will enable them to understand their health and safety responsibilities so they are able to recognise and manage construction hazards on their sites. It is widely recognised within the H&S and construction industries and professional bodies such as the Association of Project Safety.
It is a valuable qualification to people who wish to enter the construction industry at a supervisory level, or for generalist health and safety professionals who wish to expand on their knowledge of construction safety.
NEBOSH HSE Certificate in Process Safety Management
Studied online, this NEBOSH Process Safety Management certificate is suitable for people working in industries, such as oil and gas, chemicals, plastics and pharmaceuticals.
NEBOSH HSE Award in Managing Risks and Risk Assessment at Work
Study and examinations are 100% taken online for this course. The NEBOSH HSE Award in Managing Risks and Risk Assessment at Work is designed for those with a requirement to manage risks within their workplace in low to medium risk industries.
SHEilds don’t just offer NEBOSH training, check out our full suite of qualifications.
NEBOSH National Diploma
Grounded in UK legislation, the National Diploma is the ultimate qualification for health and safety professionals
NEBOSH National Environmental Diploma
A top-level qualification suitable for those based in any environment based job sector or industry within the UK
NEBOSH National General Certificate
This general certificate is based on UK legislation and gives the holder of this professional qualification the skills and tools to effectively manage a range of health and safety duties in any sector
NEBOSH Construction Certificate (UK)
Work in construction? Have to adhere to strict UK regulations? there is no better way to stay safe than to have the knowledge and skills, which you will learn with this course
Meet the Team
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SHEilds South Africa was established in August 2012 when we opened our first office in the business heart of Johannesburg, since then we have enrolled over 15,000 students through our NEBOSH, PROQUAL, Video based courses & IOSH e-learning programmes. We have serviced a range of industries and sectors including governmental, construction, mining, oil and gas, fabrication and have become the number one provider of NEBOSH health and safety training to South Africa and the African continent.
In June 2014 we continued our expansion and relocated to larger offices in Roodepoort which we called home for the following 9 years up until July 2023 when the need for further expansion became a necessity and we moved again into a substantially larger office space with dedicated departmental areas.
SHEilds South Africa now have a team of 7 full-time course advisors to assist you finding the right study qualification and career plan. We have our own in-house finance team managed by Stephanie Harmse and assisted by a team of 5 full-time administration colleagues, our dedicated exams department consists of 3 examination officers.
SHEilds South Africa serves and covers the full African continent. As a global company SHEilds identified the need for a presence and a face to cover the African continent with the aim to give a hands-on commitment to health and safety and through our training programmes create a higher level of education in the health and safety industry, in turn, creating national and international employment opportunities.
SHEilds South Africa have access to the SHEilds course development team (10 person team) who specialise in developing bespoke HSE training for corporate clients who want to establish or improve safety culture and awareness within their organisations.
SHEilds South Africa have and can provide exam venues throughout Africa and our experienced and knowledgeable team in South Africa will be delighted to provide you with all the assistance and support you require be it through a telephone conversation or email correspondence.
SHEilds Suid-Afrika is in Augustus 2012 gestig toe ons vir die eerste keer ons kantoordeure oopgemaak het in die besigheidshart van Johannesburg, sedertdien het ons oor die 15 000 studente ingeskryf deur ons NEBOSH, PROQUAL, video gebaseerde kortkursusse & IOSH aanlyn programme. SHEilds het verskeie nywerhede en sektore gediens insluitend die regering, konstruksie, mynbou, olie en gas, vervaardiging en het die nommer een verskaffer van NEBOSH gesond- en veiligheidsopleiding tot Suid-Afrika en die Afrika kontinent geword.
In Junie 2014 het ons gegroei as a besigheid en hervestig in groter kantore in Roodepoort wat ons “huis” genoem het vir die volgende 9 jaar, tot en met Julie 2023, toe die behoefte groter geword het om verder uit te brei noodsaaklik geword het en ons weer hervestig in wesenlike groter kantoor spasie met geallokeerde departement afdelings.
SHEilds Suid-Afrika het nou a span van 7 voltydse opleidingsadviseurs om die regte kwalifikasie en beroepsplan voor te stel. Ons het ons eie finansiële span wat deur Stephanie Harmse bestuur word en wat 5 voltydse administrateurs het, ons toegewyde eksamendepartement het sover 3 eksamen beamptes. SHEilds Suid-Afrika voorsien NEBOSH kwalifikasies vir die hele Afrika kontinent. As ‘n wêreldwye besigheid het SHEilds die nood gesien om ‘n teenwoordigheid en gesig te wees vir die Afrika kontinent met die doel om toegewyd te wees tot gesond- en veiligheid deur ons opleidings programme ‘n hoër standaard te skep in die gesond- en veiligheids industrie, terselfde tyd, skep dit nasionaal en internasionaal werk geleenthede.
NEBOSH Exam Venues
SHEilds Suid-Afrika het en kan ook eksamen lokale voorsien oor die hele Afrika kontinent en ons ondervinde en kundige span in Suid-Afrika sal meer as gewillig wees om hulp en onderstuening aan te bied, altans oor ‘n telefoon oproep of via eposse.
تأسست شييلدز جنوب أفريقيا في أغسطس 2012 عندما افتتحنا أول مكتب لنا في قلب الأعمال في جوهانسبرغ، ومنذ ذلك الحين قمنا بتسجيل أكثر من 15000 طالب من خلال نيبوش، بروكوال، دورات الفيديو القصيرة وبرامج التعلم الإلكتروني ل IOSH. لقد خدمنا مجموعة من الصناعات والقطاعات بما في ذلك القطاع الحكومي والانشاءات، والتعدين، وصناعة النفط والغاز، والتصنيع وأصبحنا الرائدين كمزود أول لنيبوش لتدريبات الصحة والسلامة في جنوب أفريقيا والقارة الأفريقية.
في يونيو 2014، استمرينا في توسيع نطاق عملنا وانتقلنا إلى مكاتب أكبر في رودبورت، والتي كانت موطننا للسنوات التسع التالية حتى يوليو 2023 عندما أصبحت الحاجة لمزيد من التوسع ضرورة، وانتقلنا مرة أخرى إلى مساحة مكتبية أكبر بكثير مع مناطق قسمية مخصصة للإدارات.
تمتلك شييلدز جنوب أفريقيا الآن فريقًا مكونًا من 7 مستشارين بدوام كامل متفرغين لمساعدتك في اختيار المؤهل الدراسي المناسب وخطة الحياة المهنية. لدينا فريق مالي داخلي خاص بنا تديره ستيفاني هارمس ويساعده فريق من 5 زملاء إداريين بدوام كامل، ويتكون قسم الامتحانات المخصص لدينا من 3 ضباط امتحانات. تخدم شييلدز جنوب أفريقيا وتغطي قارة إفريقيا بأكملها. كشركة عالمية، أدركت شييلدز الحاجة إلى وجود وجه يمثلها ويغطي قارة إفريقيا بهدف تقديم التزام عملي تجاه الصحة والسلامة ومن خلال برامجنا التدريبية خلق مستوى أعلى من التعليم في صناعة الصحة والسلامة، وبالتالي خلق فرص عمل وطنية ودولية.
تتمتع شييلدز جنوب أفريقيا بإمكانية الوصول إلى فريق تطوير الدورات في شييلدز (فريق مكون من 10 أشخاص) متخصص في تطوير تدريبات الصحة والسلامة المخصصة لعملاء الشركات الذين يرغبون في إنشاء ثقافة أو تحسين الوعي بالسلامة داخل مؤسساتهم.
مواقع امتحانات نيبوش
لدى شييلدز جنوب أفريقيا القدرة في توفير مواقع لإجراء الامتحانات في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا، ويسعد فريقنا ذو الخبرة والمعرفة في جنوب أفريقيا أن يقدم لك كل المساعدة والدعم الذي تحتاجه سواء كان ذلك من خلال محادثة هاتفية أو مراسلات بريد إلكتروني.
SHEilds ZA
Block 4, Clearwater Office Park,
Corner Christiaan de Wet & Millennium Blvd,
Strubens Valley,
1735, South Africa
Telephone: +2711 675 4177
E-mail: success@sheilds.co.za
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Dubai, UAE regional office contact info
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