What you need to know about Lone Working
Staying safe and being prepared for the unexpected
With lone…

What should be in your First Aid Kit?
First Aid Kit Essentials for a Low-Hazard Workplace
For most…

Corporate Injury Reporting
Are more people-centric metrics needed?
A new study by Corporate…

Precautions you Need for Working at Height
Recognising the risks and preparing safety measures
When we…

Considering the Olympics – Health vs. Safety
What the workplace can learn from Rio 2016
Like many, I have…

SHEilds Craziest Health & Safety Guide
Bizarre, Weird and Downright Silly Myths
Most of the time Health…

Holiday Health and Safety on the Move
Holiday Travel tips to protect your health & well-being

Health & Safety Management at the Olympic Road Race Accidents
Could the Olympic cycling accidents have been prevented?

NEBOSH Exam Results – Where to go next
NEBOSH Exam - Options for Passes and Referrals
Well here I am,…

Red Card, Yellow Card – Health & Safety and Workplace Abuse
Clamping Down on Abusive and Offensive Behaviour
After listening…

Health Benefits and Risks of Drinking Water
The Elixir of Life or Potentially Lethal in Excess?
As a swimmer…

A Leap in the Dark – Safety Precautions in Confined Spaces
Considering the Risks, Preparation and Appropriate PPE