Tag Archive for: Workplace

Common Workplace Safety Blunders
Avoid Preventable Injuries at Work
With safety being an…

Disabled Access Day 2017
Championing Good Accessibility
Today marks the start of Disabled…

Stimulate Business Objectives with Health & Safety, HR Consultancy
What are your business objectives in 2017
What is it that could…

Anti-Bullying Week and the Workplace
‘Keep Calm’ but don’t just ‘Carry On’
As you may likely…

What should be in your First Aid Kit?
First Aid Kit Essentials for a Low-Hazard Workplace
For most…

Considering the Olympics – Health vs. Safety
What the workplace can learn from Rio 2016
Like many, I have…

Don’t let the bugs win – Preventing workplace infections
Taking steps to improve hygiene at work
Hygiene has been the…

Do you have the right portable fire extinguishers? A quick knockdown.
Fires in the workplace tend to start as small incidents and this is where portable fire extinguishers come into their own. By extinguishing, slowing down or preventing the dangerous escalation of the fire; an extinguisher may not only save lives, property and the environment but also our livelihoods and those of our colleagues. SHEilds provide a number of fire related safety courses, available to study online.

Are you aware of these dangerous health & safety myths?
Health & Safety Myths
Risk Ignorance and you risk it all